Register Now to Join Us at the Member and Volunteer Celebration

Our annual Member and Volunteer Celebration recognizing all of Friends dedicated members, volunteers and partners who’ve done outstanding work this year to improve and protect the river system will held Thursday, January 25, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W. 35th Street in Chicago.
Registration is required.
Active members and volunteers can register now for the festive happy-hour event along Bubbly Creek of the South Branch of the Chicago River.
Registration closes at midnight Wednesday, January 24. The highlight of the celebration is the presentation of our annual awards given out to the River Champion who has gone above and beyond in their work, the Spirit of the River whose efforts, character, and enthusiasm most embody the spirit of the river, and the Volunteer of the Year Award.
Attendance is open to members and volunteers. Registration is required. This is an adults-only event and food and drinks are provided at no cost.