Join Us for a Litter Cleanup in Crestwood July 20

We are delighted to team up with Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Vice President Patricia Theresa Flynn, Village of Crestwood Mayor Ken Klein, and Worth Township Supervisor Patricia Joan Murphy for a litter cleanup and weed pulling day in southwest suburban Crestwood on Saturday, July 20.
Please RSVP by July 18 by calling (312) 751-5657.
Friends’ team recently met with these leaders at the cleanup site to discuss climate resiliency initiatives and more collaboration on litter free projects in Crestwood and along the Cal-Sag Channel.
This litter-free event starts at 9 a.m. at 4820 Cal Sag Road (west of Aldi and adjacent to the Cal-Sag Channel). The event is free and cleanup supplies will be provided. Please RSVP by July 18 by calling (312) 751-5657.
Learn more about our Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River initiative here and access our Litter Free Supply Stations to host an independent neighborhood cleanup in your community.