Poster Contest Inspires Little Free River Action

Friends of the Chicago River launches our annual student poster contest to inspire action to improve our rivers and communities by creating a Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River system. The theme of this year’s poster contests is “Taking Action for a Litter Free River,” and celebrates our upcoming annual Chicago River Day on May 11.
Submissions are due by March 31, 2024.
With the support of Waste Management, the contest is free and open to all Chicagoland youth ages eight to 18. Submissions may be made individually or through a school or community group.
- Original artwork and drawings by students are encouraged, but posters may include photos as well. Posters must not include any copyrighted images or illustrations.
- Each poster’s theme should be “Taking Action for a Litter Free River,” and should engage an audience on the issues of litter reduction, individual or community action, and ways to improve our rivers.
- Submission form, contest guidelines, and logos to be included in the poster are available here.
- All submissions should be in a digital format at print-quality resolution when viewed at least 11 x 17 inches. Posters must include Friends’ logo and Waste Management’s logo.
- One winner and two honorable mentions will be selected in three categories: Ages 8-10, 11-14, & 15-18
Winners will be announced in May, with selected posters being displayed in a special exhibit at Friends’ McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum.