Fish Win!

Although it might not make the front page of every newspaper or the 10 o'clock news, the animals that live in the Chicago River system had a BIG WIN this summer with new rules put in place to foster a healthier river system. The rules regarding the amounts of pollution allowed into the river system were tightened to improve aquatic conditions.

Among the about-time modifications are the requirements for more dissolved oxygen in the water and lower water temperatures from dischargers. These are key ingredients for a healthy ecosystem, and especially, healthy fish. 


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Chicago Riverwalk Continues to Engage

The New Chicago Riverwalk continues to engage and people across the country are starting to take notice. "It's an architectural, natural, and recreational adventure all is one," said Margaret Frisbie, excutive director Friends of the Chicago River.

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Every Day We are Closer to Swimming in the River

After 15 years effort Friends was cheering when the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) opened the new disinfection system at the Calumet Wastewater Treatment Plant this summer with a press conference and ribbon cutting to mark the occasion. 

The event was attended by U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, USEPA Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman, MWRD Commissioners, Friends' staff, and many others who worked long and hard to see this day come. The new facility uses chlorination/dechlorination to treat wastewater effluent from the plant which is discharged into the Little Calumet River. “This is really the next step toward swimming in the river,” said Margaret Frisbie, executive director of Friends of the Chicago River. 

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Sewage Effluent Disinfection Starts Today!

Don’t jump in yet but after more than a decade of advocacy, Friends is thrilled that starting today sewage effluent disinfection is online at the MWRD’s Calumet wastewater treatment plant to remove disease causing bacteria from its discharge.

“This is a historic moment for the Chicago/Calumet River System and one of the most significant water quality improvements in decades,” said Margaret Frisbie, Friends’ executive director, at this morning’s press conference with the MWRD and Senator Dick Durbin. “It will make the river safer for recreators and moves us closer to our ultimate goal of a river clean enough for swimming.”

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Riverwalk Opening Makes Headlines

The opening of the long awaited Chicago Riverwalk made headlines with a press conconference hosted by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel with retired U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly, and Friends' executive director, Margaret Frisbie.

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Opening the Chicago Riverwalk with Mayor Emanuel

Friends' of the Chicago River was thrilled to join Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanual for the grand opening of the Phase 2 Chicago Riverwalk. Friends' founders called for a continous Chicago River trail when we were founded in 1979 and this charamatic section is key to the concept. 

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Friends' Executive Director Live from the CAF

The Chicago Riverwalk is a new sensation and the Chicago Architecture Foundation invited Friends' executive director, Margaret Frisbie, to join Riverwalk architect, Carol Ross Barney, and city planner, Benet Haller, to speak about its role and evolution.

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